Monday, January 1, 2007

Negima!: Magister Negi Magi

Negi Springfield is a ten year old wizard from Wales who dreams of becoming a Magister Magorum (latin translation: teacher of magic), special wizards who use their powers to help normal people using covers such as working for NGOs. Negi's reason for becoming a Magister is to find his father, Nagi Springfield, the legendary mage also known as the "Thousand Master" who many believe to be dead.
After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, he is given a duty as a cover in the real world, and training, before he actually becomes a Magister Magorum. That duty is to become an English teacher at Mahora Academy in Japan. The task will not be easy, however, as Negi will become a teacher to a middle school class of 31 older girls, each very special in her own way. The series details his time and adventures in Japan as he gains acceptance and respect from his students, helps them in their problems, and faces magical threats from inside and outside Mahora Academy. His main relationship is with Asuna Kagurazaka, his student and roommate, who dislikes him initially but later accepts him as a friend and becomes his guardian, helping find clues about his father and his life.

Main characters

Negi Springfield is the son of master mage Nagi Springfield, famously known as the legendary 'Thousand Master'. The identity of his mother is as of yet unknown.
Early in his childhood, Negi came to live with his cousin (formerly thought to be sister) Nekane Springfield (whom he refers to as onee-chan) in a small village in the mountains of England, even as a small child, he lived pretty much alone in his uncle's guest house, with Nekane coming to care for him during her breaks while studying in Wales. While there, he befriended Anya, a little girl about a year older than him who helped him study magic, and even gave him his first training wand. Negi spent most of his time getting into trouble, hoping that if he were to get into enough trouble, the Thousand Master would come to save him. His antics ranged from being chased by large dogs to nearly drowning in a river.
When Negi was four years old, his wish came true. A horde of demons appeared and attacked his village. The Thousand Master appeared just in time to save Negi from receiving a fatal punch from a demon. With a few strikes and a powerful spell, he destroyed all of the demons but the village was already in ruins and nearly all the people were already petrified. When the fighting was over the Thousand Master saw Negi and recognized who he was. Before departing, he left Negi his staff and told him to grow well and be happy.
After the incident Negi, Nekane, and Anya were moved to a village of magicians in Wales, where Negi immersed himself into his studies. He graduated from Magic School at the age of nine at the top of his class of only five students to graduate that year. His certificate of graduation read that to become a magister magi he must take on the assignment of teacher in Japan as part of his training. The Headmaster sent Negi to Mahora Academy, a school run by the dean Konoemon Konoe who is a close friend of the headmaster.
As part of his assignment Negi is now the homeroom and English teacher of Class 3-A (formerly 2-A) of Mahora Academy Middle School as the teacher of a class of 31 girls.

Student Number 1: Sayo Aisaka is the hapless and meek yurei (ghost). More often frightened than frightening, she is invisible to virtually everyone, and her presence goes mostly unnoticed (Takahata had her included in Negi's class registry, however, with a note not to change her seat) until Negi absentmindedly counts her during a class vote. She still wears the school uniform of Mahora from over half a century ago, (standard fuku, Sailor-Moon type). Presumably, Evangeline is the first one able to see her. At times, she looks down upon her own worth as a ghost (such as tripping when she doesn't have feet, and her feeble attempts at scaring using "Boo"). Sayo has been friendless and lonely for around 60 years since her death, which made her very desperate for a friend. Her attempts to talk to the rest of the class led a series of hilarious events during the preparations for the School Festival as everyone mistook her for an evil spirit. She nearly ended up being exorcised by Mana and Setsuna, but Negi and Kazumi, having caught a photo of her crying and realized what was really happening, came to the rescue and offered to be her friends. She thanked them, then faded away, leading the others to think she had crossed over, until she showed up later to ask Negi to spend some time at the festival with her. She currently hangs around (haunts) Kazumi, who sits beside her in class, and is currently able to see her

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